What Do Children Say About CALICO?
"I liked that they were very patient and they didn’t jump to conclusions and they understood how it made me feel." - CALICO Client
CALICO recently implemented an new way surveying our child clients (thanks National Children's Alliance for developing this tool) and so far the results have been wonderful. All of the children came to our office because they were suspect child abuse victims. Yet despite the difficult circumstances that brought them through our doors, they reported having a good experience once they were here. 100% of the children felt we cared about them "a lot," 100% felt we were "very good" at listening to them, and 100% of the children felt the people at our office were "very nice." We are the brightest green in the charts below - you'll see we are trending above national benchmarks in each of these areas. It is satisfying to have data support the value of all the hard work that happens here at CALICO. This type of feedback makes the long days and nights worth it.
