A well-functioning multi-disciplinary team is the foundation of CALICO’s efforts. CALICO’s team is comprised of 30 partner agencies that work collaboratively from the point a report of child abuse is made. Together, the team ensures the physical and mental health, safety and well-being of each child.
Law enforcement officers are responsible for investigating child-abuse allegations and ensuring the safety of children. Detectives bring children to CALICO, where the child is interviewed in a safe space by a specially trained professional. The detective observes the interview, confers with other experts on site, and investigates whether a crime occurred.
A deputy district attorney liaison is assigned to CALICO. She observes interviews and provides feedback to investigators and other prosecutors at her office. District attorneys rely on legally defensible statements obtained from children at CALICO to successfully prosecute their cases.
​Alameda County District Attorney’s Office
County child welfare workers ensure that children are safe at home. State licensing investigators determine whether group homes or licensed child-care facilities are safe environments for children.
Alameda County Social Services Agency
Department of Children and Family Services
Alameda County Counsel
State of California, Community Care Licensing
Based on information children reveal in their interviews, CALICO assists in coordinating medical exams as appropriate. Pediatricians and nurses conduct medical examinations to assess a child’s well-being and collect physical and biological evidence vital to the prosecution of the offender and treatment of the child.
Center for Child Protection at UCSF Benioff Children's Hospital Oakland
Highland Hospital Sexual Assault Response Team
Victim advocates sensitively steer families through the criminal justice system and provide support at every stage of the legal process. CALICO’s family support team coordinates with victim advocates to ensure families are offered appropriate guidance, information, and referrals and are able to access support services in their communities.
The Alameda County Family Justice Center is a one-stop center for victims of family violence. Dozens of public and not-for-profit organizations are co-located at the center and offer comprehensive services including, for example, legal support, crisis intervention, medical services, and counseling as well as access to domestic violence officers and prosecutors. CALICO has a satellite office at the center to assist families living in Oakland, Berkeley, and other northern Alameda County communities.
Alameda County District Attorney's Office, Victim/Witness Assistance Division
Alameda County Family Justice Center
Mental-health clinicians help victims of child abuse heal from trauma. CALICO refers families to mental health services that are offered in the family’s preferred language and community.
Center for Child Protection at UCSF Benioff Children's Hospital Oakland
Alameda County Behavioral Health Care Services
Probation officers enforce compliance with court-ordered terms of probation while offering rehabilitative services to young offenders, including specialized services for youth who sexually offend. At CALICO, more than one out of five children identifies another youth as their offender. Those youth may also be interviewed to determine if they have been victimized as well.
Alameda County Probation Department
For partner resources: click here
Alameda PD
Alameda County Sheriff's Office
Albany PD
East Bay Regional Parks District PD
Emeryville PD
Dublin Police Services
Hayward PD
- Livemore PD
- Newark PD
Oakland PD
Piedmont PD
Pleasanton PD
San Leandro PD
Union City PD
University of California Berkeley PD
CALICO brings everyone together. I can see a holding of hands of everyone when CALICO enters the situation.
—Brianne Nelson, Child Welfare Worker
Alameda County Social Services Agency