Hero Spotlight: Audrey Kang, Volunteer Extraordinaire
CALICO is pleased to introduce this issue’s hero, Audrey Kang. Audrey, a senior at a local high school, began volunteering with CALICO in July. She became familiar with our work when she joined the P.A.T.C.H. Club (Plushies Aimed to Comfort Hearts) at her school. The club’s mission is to raise awareness about children in crisis and help children who have experienced trauma. Audrey is the secretary of the P.A.T.C.H. Club, which has donated hundreds of stuffed animals to the children who visit CALICO.
Audrey is a warm and caring young woman who enjoys planning trips, traveling and reading. Some of her travels include Amsterdam, Belgium, Japan, South Korea, China and a few other countries. Her love for books began when she picked up the Harry Potter book series. Audrey has always aspired to be a doctor but gained a deeper interest in neurology and medicine after reading, “The Man Who Mistook His Wife for a Hat.” In the future, Audrey would like to find a way to bridge the gap between modern and cultural medicine in order to create easily accessible, low cost treatments and medications for all.
At CALICO, Audrey helps with administrative tasks and special projects, like mailing educational books to family advocates throughout the state. During her down time, she enjoys chatting with the staff. When asked why she wanted to get involved with CALICO, she talked about the time she saw CALICO with her fellow P.A.T.C.H. Club members to drop off stuffed animals and how the visit inspired her to want to be more involved because she believed in justice. Audrey had some knowledge of how justice was served in the eyes of the law and the importance of punishment; but she was also aware that justice was much more than what happens in a courtroom. “Justice is much harder to achieve than it seems,” Audrey said, “no one ever thinks about the victims.” Audrey appreciates how she is able to see the “work in action” while at CALICO. CALICO is grateful to have Audrey as part of its team in helping victims and their families in their search for justice!