Funders Focus on Child Abuse Treatment and Prevention
CALICO would like to highlight and thank the following foundations that choose to make child abuse prevention and treatment a top funding priority.
Hedge Funds Care (HFC) has made its sole mission the prevention and treatment of child abuse. While working as a teacher, Rob Davis witnessed how child abuse affected his elementary students. Later, as a hedge fund sales manager, Mr. Davis decided that the hedge fund industry could use its prominence to draw attention to this issue and founded HFC. Since 1998, HFC has awarded over $33 million in grants to community-based nonprofit organizations that work within the following areas of child abuse: education, prevention, intervention, research, advocacy, and training. Jenny Pearlman, HFC grant-making committee co-chair, stated, “West Coast HFC has supported CALICO for many years, as CALICO has a meaningful impact on child abuse treatment and prevention and changes lives. CALICO not only stops immediate violence for abused children but also helps to break the cycle of violence by connecting abused children and their families to essential support services.”
The In-N-Out Burger Foundation was created to help abused and neglected children and prevent others from being victimized. Supported primarily through donor contributions and internal fundraising activities, the Foundation assists organizations that provide residential treatment, emergency shelter, foster care, and early intervention for children in need. When asked about the focus on child abuse, Foundation Coordinator Howard Booker commented, “It is our way of giving something back to the communities where we live and do business.” He added, “The In-N-Out Burger Foundation has been happy to support CALICO for the past eight years as we know they are truly the first step for children entering the system in Alameda County. The fact that police officers, child welfare workers, and prosecutors that respond to child abuse allegations count on CALICO cemented their worth to us.”

The Insurance Industry Charitable Foundation (IICF) focuses on helping people in need by providing grants, volunteer service, and leadership to programs that work with children at risk, education, health and safety, disaster preparedness, and the environment.
The IICF Western Division chose child abuse prevention as a focus area for its grants and has been giving to CALICO for the past three years. Jim Lubman, chair of the IICF Child Abuse Prevention Program, remarked that their annual forum “provides education, offers a networking opportunity, creates and builds a sense of community amongst Bay Area Insurance professionals, while at the same time raising funds for local charitable organizations.” CALICO had the honor of speaking at the 2012 and 2013 forums and commended the IIFC for helping send the message to children that no matter what they tell us, or what has happened to them, that we as adults will hear them and do everything we can to keep them safe.
CALICO sincerely thanks Hedge Funds Care, In-N-Out Burger Foundation, and the Insurance Industry Charitable Foundation for their generous support of CALICO’s programs and for their commitment to improving the lives of children.