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Have you ever been curious about the CALICO Board of Directors?
In addition to the fabulous staff, CALICO achieves its mission of justice and healing for abused children with help from its Board of...
CALICO Welcomes New Executive Director
Welcome to CALICO, Hillery! Our new Executive Director, Hillery Gladden, joined CALICO in February. We'd like to take this opportunity to...
Runners’ Fundraising Offers Vital Support to CALICO
Team CALICO’s efforts at the Oakland Running Festival was a roaring success! 67 runners raised an incredible $42,000 for CALICO. Anyone...
Pinwheels for Prevention
April is Child Abuse Prevention Month, a month recognized as a time for communities to come together and promote healthy children and...
CALICO joins the 2016 Oakland Running Festival
We are excited that CALICO is once again taking part in the Oakland Running Festival as one of the official Run for a Cause charities....
Changes in CALICO's Board of Directors
CALICO’s beloved Board President, Amy Blanchard, will complete her term on the Board of Directors at the end of this month. Amy has been...
CALICO Expands Its Leadership throughout California
After 18 years aiding children in Alameda County, CALICO is expanding its scope to assist children across all of California. CALICO has...
CALICO’s 18th Annual Collaborative Training Inspires Investigators
Trainings on multi-disciplinary child-abuse investigations can be hard to find and, when they are offered, can be expensive. To fill...
Andrea Carlise - A Champion for Children
CALICO is pleased to introduce this issue’s hero, Andrea Carlise, a long-time champion for children and a 2015 One Child at a...
11th Annual One Child at a Time Benefit Raffle
OCAAT Raffle Flyer 2015.pdf
11th Annual One Child at a Time Benefit: Picnic in the Park
It’s that time of year again for CALICO’s Annual One Child at a Time Benefit: Picnic in the Park! The One Child at a Time Picnic is the...
CALICO's Multi-Disciplinary Team
By Erin Harper, Multi-Disciplinary Team Coordinator The other day, I sat in CALICO’s observation room, watching a forensic interview. As...
Joni Leventis - Bringing Justice with Heart
As head of the Sexual Assault Unit, Joni Leventis could not have found a better-suited job. For years, Joni has proven herself to be not...
National Child Abuse Prevention Month
April is National Child Abuse Prevention Month (CAPM), a month recognized as a time for communities to join together to promote healthy...
North Pole Explorer Raises Awareness
On April 12th, Michael Creasy will leave for an extraordinary adventure: an expedition to the North Pole. To make this trip even more...
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