Open for Kids 2020
As COVID-19 continues to spread, our world as we knew it seems like a distant memory. Yet, through this difficult time, CALICO has worked tirelessly to keep our doors open and continue to provide services to hurt children.
Unfortunately, child abuse is on the rise. Experts predict there will be a dramatic increase in child abuse reports once the shelter-in-place restrictions lift. While the demand for service is increasing, CALICO is working with fewer resources.
Our community needs CALICO now, more than ever.
And CALICO needs YOU.

Since the start of the shelter-in-place order CALICO has provided in-person services to over 200 children and their families.
The COVID-19 pandemic has forced the cancelation of the two largest and most crucial fundraising events for CALICO.
These cancelations cost CALICO over $100,000 in crucial funding for abused children and families.
Here is how your donation helps:
$1,000 provides services for a child and their family.
$500 covers the cost of a Family Advocate supporting a caregiver.
$100 buys a month of snacks for children visiting CALICO’s office.

In 2020, CALICO will have served over 600 children and their families.
Thank you to our amazing donors!
Nadia Alaee, David Anderson, Carl West Anderson, Stacy Anderson, Tom Andrade, AssetMark, Vidhya Babu, Sharla Badger, Bob and Sarah Bailey, Kerry Baker, Maureen Barton, Recha Bergstrom, Pran Bhattacharyya, Tiffany Bloom, Mike Borel, Victoria Borzileri, Karen Bovarnick, Dan Brennan, Holly Brenner, Nancy Brill, Patricia Brouillette, Kate Bullis, Matt Camuto, Carol Cevasco, Nick Chandler, Sreenivasan Chandrakum, Amanda Chavez, Rebecca Chenard, Mike Choi, Cisco Systems, Inc., Sara Cleveland, Yael Cohen,
Lindsay Colla, Jill Condron, Laura Conklin, Liz D, Amanda Cox, Allison Crapo, Carol Cromwell, Brian Delahunty, Celeste Delamore, Mickey Delay-Helser, Latha Devan, Ryan Dexter, Rajive Dhar, Brady Dilena, Matthew DiNitto, Lisa Do, Barry Donelan, Dan Donovan, Miriam Dreifuss, David Driscoll, Melissa Dupee, Rich Dutra St., Mikhail Edel, Joseph Eichhor, Jill Encinias, Ryan Erickson, Ann Erickson, Evan Erickson,
Summer Erickson, Cheryl Fischer, Sarah Flanagan, Ben Fort, Eric Foster, Jeffrey Franco, Peter Franko, John Franz,
Debbie & Howard Freedberg, Sarah Fried, Malaree Frost, Susan Fujii, Yukie Fujimoto, Kevin Fujinami, Allie Fung, Kyle Galle, Jackie Gallinaro, Vandana Gandhi,
Hilary Gevondyan, Amber Gibson, Muckai Girish, Patricia Gold, Laura Golde, Donna Goldstein, Debra Gologorsky, Daniel Greaney, Erik Hall, Marissa Harnett, Jody Harris, Miriam Harrison, Trea Hauet, Evan Hause, Heckart Family, Yan Heim, Cathy Herring, Garrett Holmes, Amy Hood, Caralee Iverson, Alyssa Jaffee, Tandice Jali, Robert James, Edward Jerden, Erica Jimenez-Cornejo, Nina Johnson, Neil Jubaili, Emily Kager, Kaiser Foundation Health Plan, Khosrow Kalantari, Andreana Karavias, Christopher Keaset, Matthew Keay, Andrea Kiefer,
John Kim, Katrina Kirkham, Lori Komisar, Concepcion Kurth, Richard Lang, Janice Le, Rino Lee, Lewis & Llewellyn, LLC., Thomas Liao, Jennifer Lilburn, Petra Loer, Tiffany Lopez, Briggitte Lowe, Jeanne Lycett, David Maciel, Kathleen MacIntyre, Pam Mack, Lesli MacNeil, Pat Mahanay,
McClain Family Charitable Fund,
Nancy McCormick, Mike McFall, John McGuinn, Michele McMahon, Peggy McQuaid, Michael Melewicz, M.D., Kathleen Mohn, E.D., Jo Molz, Valerie Moore, Vinay Nariani, Lucy Nevarez, Nikki Nguyen, Oak Wise, INC., Oath Inc., Kenneth Oestreicher, Aya Okuma, OsiSoft, LLC., Colman Ow, Lubos Parobek, Raeanne Passantino, Roxanne Pedro, Hugo Pelland, Rosalba Pena, Pennington, LLP., Kelsi Perttula, PG&E Employee Giving, Tristin Pittenger, Pleasanton Lions Club, Francesco Polizzi, John Poppas, Sarah Primm, John Przedpelski,
Laurel Przybylski, Fay Purnell, Robert Purnell, Meera Raman, Sumi Raman, Jose Reyes, Jim Riley, Stephen Roderick, Charlotte Ronemus, Becca Rosenthal,
Ketaki S, Amanda Sacco, Norma Sakamoto, John Salter, Muriel Sampson, David Sanders, Abigail Sassoon, Matt Sawatzki, Pam Seidenman, Molly Seto, Russ Shanahan, John Shearer, Robert Shuffield, Socorro Silva, Judy Silver,
Ellen Sirbu, Kitty Siu, Susan Smegal, John Souza, Wesley Spowhn, Ranga Srinivasan, Joanne Steinbauer, David Stone, Maria Suniga, Irene Swain, Boniface Tam, Blowden Tarter, Gloria Taylor, Sara Tillman, Ognjen Todic, Paul Tomisser, John & Genevieve Topping, Eric Trabert, Abinash Tripathy, Karen Tripp, Michael Troupe, Eric Vermillion, Eddie Vieira-Ducey, Blake Vonderheid, Pam Walton,
Katie Willcoxon, Lisa Witt, John Wu, Vickie Wyant, Stasha Wyskiel, Dana Yakoobinsky, Jeffrey Yellin, James Yen, Lesley Zalewski