CALICO welcomes help from volunteers in many areas, including the following:
Join the Board of Directors, a committed group of individuals who govern and raise funds for and awareness of CALICO’s efforts.
Assist with administrative tasks, data entry and database programming, landscaping, building maintenance, communications or other areas.
Get involved with the CALICO for Kids Annual Fundraiser.
Assist with CALICO’s annual direct-mail appeal at the end of the calendar year.
Staff a CALICO table at community fairs and corporate events.
Organize a supply or toy drive or blanket-making party at work or with friends and family.
Invite CALICO to speak at your civic organization, school, work, or faith-based organization.
For more information about any of the above opportunities email info@calicocenter.org or call 510-895-0702.
We each have different skills and resources, but we can all find ways to support the agencies that we believe in. I chose to support CALICO because the organization is dedicated to ensuring the safety and well being of our children, and I am proud to volunteer and raise funds for an agency that is making such a positive impact in our community.
—Andé Peña, East Bay Community Services
CALICO volunteer and member of Oakland Running Festival Team CALICO